If you have money as a country you can build world-class ranks etc, you can afford to pay excellent trainers and if you personally have lot of money or your parents then you can pursue sport careers, train hard for the Olympics. No surprise even the Russians go to the US for training in certain sports.
Many countries like the US, Germany, Canada etc put an enormous effort to train and qualify more athletes improving the chances for them for medals. There are hundreds of them on the Olympics while many other countries can only send maybe 10 athletes, that is a big difference.
In my opinion it is already an achievement for all those countries that can send athletes who qualify only to participate no matter where they land on the rank.
Im kinda disappointed in the US broadcasting... they cut most of other countries athletes out to show theirs... I know they have so many but still I am used to watch all kind of nations and now I can barely see some out of North America.
In one minute I am watching speed skating next minute jumps two minute later figure skating... it is kinda dizzying.
Oh and about the comparisons i would say it is better to compare results in the unified medal table ... not all countries have a chance to shine on winter olympics.

I think Hungary has nothing to be ashamed of. Being about the size of an average-sized state in the USA in the combined list Hungary is on the 9th place from all the participant countries with almost 500 medals all together.
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