Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Stories from September 2006

It took me only 1 week and I was done with the driving school and I needed to start the college right after. The only problem is the transportation... I could not go to have my driving practice beofre I got my Social Security number which can take up to 2 months. Luckily my mother-in-law who is angel full-time, helps me to deliver and transport home every day. I really appreciate her help but I know it will be a lot better for her if she can stop babysitting me.
I just dont understand why do I need SSN for practising... and how can international babysitters or students get licence without SSN... never mind...

See that huuuge truck here, the property of my generous brother-in-law, he wanted me to drive his truck for a little while to feel the vehicle. This was the very first vehicle I ever drove... and I started right with a tank size truck. I was introduced to the automatic shift stick, not too much brain work there D is drive P is Parking. :)))))

John volunteered to come with me, first I managed to step hard on the accelerator so he was terrified by default. Then I tried to stop as fast as I can... he almost landed on the window.
Trying all the extremities I slowly drove back to the house and we survived the adventure.
5 times out of 5 days we watched terrifying videos about drunk driving and accidents so the 15-17 years old students would stop thinking... but they only get a temporary licence till they are 21, but be aware people of Salt Lake City I will get my licence right away ....

I really enjoy being a student again, it is not easy as English is not my mother tongue but Im not completely lost. I got lucky and I had the loveliest Maths teacher in the world ;) He is funny and not stressing anyone out, just wants u to realize Maths is fun - hmmm yes for some - and with some work anyone get an A. Cheers!! ( Just for the record I did get the A.)
The reason I like this school system only those can fail who doesnt want to work and put some effort in it, any other people can easily pass. Althought it is a lot different than European system, I dont even remember to have that much homework in my high school than here but it gives you valuable points for the final grade. The other huge difference is the freedom of creating your own schedule, noone can even dream about that in Hungary.
The territory of the school is very pleasant, lot of grassy areas and places to study...
as much as I can tell it is not awkward to sit down and study, noone will cast you out for some studying. The weather is lovely so far and if u are tired u can take a sweet nap on the grass or anywhere you like it. It is not a public crime :)))) I saw many students sleep on the floor in one of the aisles of the buildings while others where passing through there.
The only crucial problem is to find a parking place in the morning.
I dont have friends so far, everyone keeps a certain distance from each others. This really surprised me, most of my American friends were extremely friendly in Hungary, probably this is a different culture here in Utah.
There are not too much international students but they can have exceptional treatment in some cases, extra help everywhere.

None of my teachers could tell Magdolna so I was mercyful everyone can call me Maggie. ) just like my family)
They were so happy about that most of them immediately remembered my name.
So far the teacher are cool, none of them want to be called Professor or Sir or any other than their first name.
Our boxes finally arrived so I got my herbs and stuff and I could start to cook รก la Hungarian, I missed it a lot. Everyone is overwhelmingly happy about it excepta picky one.
2nd week of September is the date of our reception party, we sent out 100 invitation so that
is at least 100 people..who will actually show up.
I decided Im going show what a Hungariand wedding reception perty menu would look like. I cooked Goulash soup for at least 100 person and fixed other delicious snacks. Sounds good, huh? Are you getting hungry yet?

Many people were asking me how the family was, I could not answer all but the blog is the best place to reply all at once. The family is extra nice still. :))) If it were on my mother-in-law she would let us live with her forever, Zsolti hugged her the very first moment and gained her heart and I love to cook and she lives how I cook so she has a private cook now. It is the biggest pleasure to cook for someone who likes it.

I got a brand new computer and the internet connection is all set, nothing can stop me from being online and communicative.

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